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You are here: Home > Inspirational > Animal decor

Animal decor

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Animal Decor

Animal have been known to inspire certain qualities. Below is a list of the standard symbology for animals.
BearPower, healingDragonflyIllusion, transcendenceMouseorganizer
Buffalosacredness, life, abundanceEagledivine SpiritOtterplayful, woman medicine
ButterflytransformationElkstrength, agilityOwlclairvoyance, insight
CoyotetricksterFrogwater energyRavencourage, introspection
CrowchangeHawkmessenger, intuitionSharkadaptability, survival
Deergentleness, kindnessHorsestamina, mobilitySnakeshrewdness
Dogloyal, teachingHummingbirdmessengerSquirrelplanner, gatherer
Dolphinkindness, play energyLionpower of feminine energyTurtlenurturer, protector
Dragonwisdom, infinity, longevityLynxguardian, guideWhalewisdom, provider

Mooseheadstrong, steadfastnessWolfloyalty, perseverance, success
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